Post by Wildwind on Jul 1, 2010 17:28:39 GMT -6
"Eaglepaw! Stop! Just Stop! Slivernight always loved Deadclaw and Alwasy will! Deadclaw was his mate first!" Widwind hissed
~Ivy~ (Its very confusing to play as both Windy and Ivy!) Ivycloud closed her eyes tighter. She hated fighting, especilly among her clan. She opened her eys and cried out as loud as she could. "Stop! Stop! Please Stop!" She stared sadly at her Daughter, Sister and Slivernight
Post by wolfspirit317 on Jul 1, 2010 17:29:34 GMT -6
"Blastberry you don't need to kill you can just hurt badly." Eaglepaw jumped in front of the two cats and tried to break them apart.
Post by Wildwind on Jul 1, 2010 17:30:54 GMT -6
"Your teh one to talk!" Wildwind growled to her Niece.
Post by wolfspirit317 on Jul 1, 2010 17:32:28 GMT -6
"Hey I am violant but i will not kill."
The Baa is a Beast <3
Posts: 394
Post by Blastberry on Jul 1, 2010 17:34:33 GMT -6
Blastberry snapped. She leaped on the eler and sank her claws in hard. "Can't you see how this is hurtng me?" She growled in Wildwind's ear.
Post by Wildwind on Jul 1, 2010 17:36:38 GMT -6
(Lol! I am is Wolfeyes the only non violent one? Ivycloud is so sweet and her kits are soooo..... uhhhh...... Vicious.... lol) Wildwind paused. "DO YOU WANT THIS FAMILY TO BE DESTROYED! I SURE DON'T! SO EVERYONE DONT STOP! DON'T BLAME THIS ON ANYONE! WE JUST NEED TO HELP BLASTBERRY!"
~This is were blastberry attacked her~ Wildwind fell back and winced in pain. "Blastberry! You don't want to do this! This is yourfamily no matter what! Please! We just want to happy! Deadclaw would feel worse than you if Sliverngiht left you! They already have kits! There kist have kits! Think of them!"
Post by wolfspirit317 on Jul 1, 2010 17:36:39 GMT -6
"Blastberry Wildwind is your clan mate how dare you. Good job!!!"
Post by Wildwind on Jul 1, 2010 17:41:04 GMT -6
(Wa? Good Job! OMG!) Ivycloud sighed and took a deep breath. "STOP JUST STOP! THIS IS YOUR FAMILY! STOP!" She cried. "EVERYONE JUST STOP AND USE WORDS RATEHR THAN ACTIONS! PLEASE!" She hissed raising her voice for teh first time in her life.
Wildwind: She paused havign a vision of her dream. The blood rising round her, seeign her kin fade to nothing! This was it! Her dream made sense. And it was worse than she though. (Omg! This works perfecty! Lol!)
Post by Silverkit on Jul 1, 2010 18:20:30 GMT -6
(what does it mean)I look at Wildwind
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Post by Deleted on Jul 1, 2010 18:47:33 GMT -6
*wolfeyes yowled in anger* "BLASTBERRY EAGLEPAW ARE YOU CRAZY!? you practicly asking wildsar to punish u, i not banish you!!"
Post by Wildwind on Jul 1, 2010 19:08:20 GMT -6
(In the beginning wildwind saw her family begin to fade, well her kin is breakign apart here. The blood rising over here was that the kin will fight and it will turn to blood shead, over whelming wildwind. Fox appreaign was part of the kin thing, he was watchign her die in teh dream and he wants to kill her now! Fox said the two will meat again after he left, he came back a second time in the dream! lol! I did not plan on this but cool!)
Post by Silverkit on Jul 1, 2010 19:52:43 GMT -6
(wow thats cool)
Post by Wildwind on Jul 2, 2010 9:02:56 GMT -6
(The dream worked out well then! And I did not have to do anything to plan it! Saves me alot of time! )
Post by Silverkit on Jul 2, 2010 9:53:39 GMT -6
(sool i think that happened on my Darkclaw acont with the dream of dogs?)
The Baa is a Beast <3
Posts: 394
Post by Blastberry on Jul 2, 2010 9:56:37 GMT -6
Blastberry suddenly started gasping for breath, still clinging to Wildwind, then her knees buckled and she gasped for air. Then Blastberry let go and fainted.