Post by Ibiswing on Jul 14, 2012 19:05:30 GMT -6
Swanpaw felt like she had no time with one of her close friends, Frostpaw. She wanted to see him, especially now that Hornetkit decided that he hated her. She really needed comfort, and Frostpaw was great at that, so who better cat? "Frostpaw?" she asked into the den, looking for the familiar, muscled, white tom with bloodshot blue eyes. they were bloodshot from crying. Crying for Hazel Nut, crying for her loss of a best friend....crying for everything that was going wrong. Her white and black pelt was twisty and rugged from not cleaning it in a while. Swanpaw continued looking, her blue eyes searching curiously through the den.
Post by Froststrike on Jul 16, 2012 17:11:19 GMT -6
Frostpaw padded into his den, to see one of his best friends crying. Was this his fault? CloudClan, he hoped not. He flinched slightly, and padded up to her. He looked into her soft, blue eyes and gave her a comforting smile.
"What's the matter?" he asked softly, sitting down beside her.
Post by Ibiswing on Jul 16, 2012 18:08:06 GMT -6
"My poor friend," she whimpered slightly, "she's gone."
Post by Froststrike on Jul 16, 2012 20:04:43 GMT -6
"What? Gone? Did Hawkstar send out a search party?" he asked, his eyes growing larger.
Post by Ibiswing on Jul 16, 2012 20:38:07 GMT -6
Swanpaw nodded. "It's Hazel Nut," whimpered Swany, "I know she's going to be fine, but I'm still scared for her."
Post by Froststrike on Jul 16, 2012 22:06:28 GMT -6
He gave his good friend a friendly lick on the cheek. "She'll be fine, count on it. Hawkstar won't let them get away with it. I won't let them get away with it," he whispered in her ear.
Post by Ibiswing on Jul 17, 2012 6:29:53 GMT -6
She grinned slightly up at him and gave him a lick back. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this," she sighed with an embarrassed smirk, "I almost never cry."
Post by Froststrike on Jul 17, 2012 15:06:17 GMT -6
"What? You mean you're not like this all the time?" he joked softly, remembering not to joke too much, this was a bit of a sad time. Frostpaw gave his sleek, bright white pelt a few licks. He looked up, giving Swanpaw a handsome smile, and his emerald eyes twinkled. "What do you say we do something fun?"
Post by Ibiswing on Jul 17, 2012 15:07:54 GMT -6
Swanpaw grinned with mischief, her blue eyes returning to their usual glow. "Like what?" she purred, smiling still, tail twitching.
Post by Froststrike on Jul 17, 2012 15:16:16 GMT -6
"You'll see," he purred. Frostpaw the bolted out of the Apprentice's Den, his body nearly a white flash against the RockClan landscape. He was taking her tithe swimming hole that Foxtwist had told him about. It was off the edge of a cliff, about twelve fox-lengths off the ground. He rushed towards it, seeing the swishing, sparkling water. Then he jumped, flying out into the ir, to drop in the water.
Post by Ibiswing on Jul 17, 2012 17:40:00 GMT -6
Swanpaw gasped as she came up to the small cliff. Then, she smirked at Frostpaw's, leapt, and splashed the white Tom in the face. The white and black she-cats eyes glimmered as she swam circles around him.
Post by Froststrike on Jul 18, 2012 16:15:00 GMT -6
He laughed as Swanpaw splashed him with water. He ducked under the water, holding his breathe, then popped up, to poke her in the side.
"Fish bites!" he laughed.
Post by Swanflight on Jul 18, 2012 16:17:43 GMT -6
Swanpaw squealed happily. "Oh yeah, take this! Lick attack!" she cried, giggling. Her blue eyes glimmered happily. She had never had this much fun.
Post by Froststrike on Jul 18, 2012 16:24:33 GMT -6
"Never!" he laughed and ducked under water, en popped up and splashed her. His green eyes twinkled, and he stuck his tongue out.
Post by Swanflight on Jul 18, 2012 16:26:53 GMT -6
Swanpaw grinned, tilting her head to the side. she swam under also and attacked him under water. She came up for a breath and giggled, waiting for him to join her.