Post by X on May 22, 2011 15:52:09 GMT -6
I apoligise for the Caps, However I have summoned all you artists to make a request. I (Bluewish mossclaw tarka tokolo) Am wondering this; Do you want to enter your art in a contest?
i was thinking of the rules and here they are
1-You cannot judge if you are making art.
2-when judging you MUST be polite and courtieous, no matter what the artists say.
3- if you enter your art you must take all critisism in a friendly manner, even if it makes you upset.
4-Your drawing/edit has to be apropreate.
1-this Contest is for editor and drawer.
that means you have to enter your best Drawing and and Edited pic
~if you want to enter and edit, but cant draw PM me
~if you want to enter a drawing but cant do edits PM me
2- this contest was designed to help artisit get compliments on their art and a but of FRIENDLY critisism on their drawing.
3- If you wish to enter, post on this thread then inbox Mossclaw (me) with your entry.
there will be five judging spots open and i will add a poll to the thread with the art.
PM me if you wish to judge. It will be firdt come first served. but dont let that stop you from sending me a PM anyways.
so far these are the Judges
here are our artists (number is unlimited
~ Stone
Please this contest if for the fun of showing people what you can do and having the pleasure of having poeple compliment your work!
this contest will only happen if we get a minimum of;
3 judges
5 enrties
and i dont think i need to say this but please,
dont let any arguements or grudges cloud your judgement.
this doesnt have to be a "who is better?" contest
Thank you and enjoy!
i was thinking of the rules and here they are
1-You cannot judge if you are making art.
2-when judging you MUST be polite and courtieous, no matter what the artists say.
3- if you enter your art you must take all critisism in a friendly manner, even if it makes you upset.
4-Your drawing/edit has to be apropreate.
1-this Contest is for editor and drawer.
that means you have to enter your best Drawing and and Edited pic
~if you want to enter and edit, but cant draw PM me
~if you want to enter a drawing but cant do edits PM me
2- this contest was designed to help artisit get compliments on their art and a but of FRIENDLY critisism on their drawing.
3- If you wish to enter, post on this thread then inbox Mossclaw (me) with your entry.
there will be five judging spots open and i will add a poll to the thread with the art.
PM me if you wish to judge. It will be firdt come first served. but dont let that stop you from sending me a PM anyways.
so far these are the Judges
here are our artists (number is unlimited
~ Stone
Please this contest if for the fun of showing people what you can do and having the pleasure of having poeple compliment your work!
this contest will only happen if we get a minimum of;
3 judges
5 enrties
and i dont think i need to say this but please,
dont let any arguements or grudges cloud your judgement.
this doesnt have to be a "who is better?" contest
Thank you and enjoy!